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2006-05-18 02:46:53
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Hello! Welcome to the Elfpack Bandroom!

This is essentially the same as the band wikis you'll find in Elftown. Hopefully, it will be as happy a place as it is there ^_^...
If you'd like to join, you're more than welcome to s ign below:

ATTENTION! All current members of this wiki have been moved to seperate pages. Members 1-24 are at Elfpack Band Room Members and members 25-70 are at Elfpack Band Room Members 2. New members please add your name to the second page of members. Thank you!!

Please add a badge to your house. They can be found at Elfpack Bandroom Banners.

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2004-10-18 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: Oh, hey... it's all about me FREAKING BOMBING my Jazz All State audition... Sigh... It makes me sad...

2004-10-18 [Aurea]: On Saturday, my band got 2nd place in the Mid-Iowa Band Championships... It was our last competition, too. It was awesome. And the band who beat us totally deserved it. They're DCI quality, honestly. Blue Springs Missouri... They're great. I'm from the Rosemount HIgh School Marching band... In Minnesota... Just thought I'd give you all some background info about me... Now, Tyrana, did you bomb it or are you expecting to bomb it?

2004-10-19 [Mr. Werewolf]: This Thursday I'm going to the Tri-State Honors Band at the UW-Superior campus. I think it'll be great fun but we haven't got our music yet hehe. I go to Eagle River High School in Wisconsin and even though our school building is really poorly built we're building a new one right now and I'm going to graduate in it. The band room is going to be really awesome too with movable practice rooms that have a built-in playback system so you can set it up to sound like you're in a concert hall, and they're silent from the outside. I'm really looking forward to it! I'm sorry to hear about your audition Tyrana, what went wrong?

2004-10-19 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: Oh, SWEET! I wish we had such a band room... that's freaking awesome... Ah... the audition, though... I didn't make it to the concert. I don't know my exact score yet, but I was told I didn't make the cut. I get so nervous, it's crazy... and I messed up on my D major scale, and had to start over... three times. Then, as always, the sightreading piece was completely impossible... 'Twas insane... I'll get over it, though ^_^... I can audition again next year...

2004-10-19 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: Hey, and I have two other festivals to get into ^_^... So it'll be fine...

2004-10-19 [Mr. Werewolf]: Oh, that's too bad. That sounds like my play audition, I kept having to look at my lines because I zoned out on the monologue I was reciting. Good luck on your two festivals! We got our music for the T-S Honors Band today and the songs are so freaking easy and slow (except for one), good thing because it's on Thursday! It'll be fun though, we leave at 4:00 in the morning and return later at 1:30 AM. Fun! hehe

2004-10-20 [Aurea]: That is an awesome sounding band room... I'm totally jealous. Sounds fun Werewolf... Did you change your sn?

2004-10-20 [Mr. Werewolf]: No, I'm still Mr. Werewolf. I've been notorious for chaning my sn in Elftown, but I like this one so I think I'll keep it.

2004-10-20 [Aurea]: Okay... Hmm... Okay. I'll believe you... I could just swear it said something different two days ago... But I really do believe you... And I"m really chattery right now...

2004-10-22 [Mr. Werewolf]: hehe! That's alright, maybe you had me mistaken for someone else? Anyway, T-S Honors Band was yesterday and it went really well and I had a lot of fun. If you ever get a chance to be in an honors band I recommend it. This one was by nomination and didn't involve a perilous audition though so maybe that was part of the fun. After all, as the saying goes, the best things in life are paid for by someone else! ^_^

2004-10-23 [Aurea]: I like that saying...

2004-10-23 [Aurea]: Which two people are watching this page?

2004-10-23 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: I am. ^_^

2004-10-23 [Aurea]: Oh. Well... How come no one else is? One of them is me, actually...

2004-10-24 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: I dunno... I'm usually watching some ridiculous amount of pages... you should see my Elftown notes! ^_^...

2004-10-24 [Mr. Werewolf]: I'm watching it too, so I guess it's us three...oh well that's not too bad out of just 1,500 members. We should make some banners! :D

2004-10-24 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: Indeed. ^_^... I've been meaning to, but I have some ridiculous amount of AP Language homework to complete... it's freaking insane... If anyone else is willing to set the badge-call rolling, however, I would be eternally grateful. ^_^

2004-10-24 [Aurea]: Me too... I suppose you're right... And YES Banners! YAY! I'll probably make one eventually... But I really should get entirely caught up on my homework first... have you ever noticed how rarely people actually have a mood in their mood... thing... I mean, don't get me wrong, I do it too... But It's just kind of strange... It's more of a comment than a mood usually...

2004-10-24 [Aurea]: Otherwise, I've requested someone from Elftown to make a banner, and I can probably just change the words and put in this wiki instead...

2004-10-24 [Mr. Werewolf]: I think it would be really cool if we could create individual banners for different instruments, and then people can just use the one for the instrument they play, if that makes any sense.

2004-10-25 [Aurea]: Yeah... They have it like that at the... Band Geek Army on ET, I think...

2004-10-25 [blackenedrose*]: hey! i play the piano + im grade 7

2004-10-27 [Mr. Werewolf]: Hey there! Welcome to EP Bandroom ^_^

2004-10-27 [Aurea]: I stayed after school today in an attempt to start learning to play the tenors... And I accidentally left my sax at school... It's okay though...I need to sign up for a lesson and stuff...

2004-10-28 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: Yeah, I left me clarinet at school tonight, and now I can't practice for my audition tomorrow... I'll be okay, though ^_^... I have it memorized. Yeah. I'm geeky like that. ^_^... Hey, and I have different instrument things in Tyrana's Graphics... I haven't changed the backgrounds for EP yet, but I could change them to something different, then make them relevant to the bandroom wiki... Yep... I'm missing instruments, though... so if I don't have yours, just let me know! ^_^

2004-10-29 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: Woooo! I think I aced my audition today... The sight-reading was uber-easy... An' I didn't mess up too much on the scales... Yay! ^_^... heehee

2004-10-29 [Mr. Werewolf]: Awesome! That's good news to hear. Today my teacher gave me a book of exercises to improve my sight-reading hehe. But all to prepare me for a really hard audition in February :)

2004-10-29 [Aurea]: Good job. I'm usually not bad at sight-reading... Actually, it's sad. Two years in a row I tied for first chair, but because I was better on the sight-reading and he was better on the scales, he got it. The first year, I challenged and got first chair after the first concert. The second year, last year, I challenged and we tied, but then the teacher chose a tie-breaker scale, and I hadn't really been practicing that one, so he won... It really sucked... I can't wait to look at your graphics, Tyrana. maybe I will later... Maybe I will now... I saw the notice at school, but the crappy school computers wouldn't display the images properly... Now I just... I'm having a bad day... but...

2004-10-29 [Aurea]: that's alright... I'll live, I suppose. But really, a CRAPPY day.

2004-10-29 [Mr. Werewolf]: Sorry to hear that! We don't do chairs in our band which really sucks because I'd probably be first or second chair. Our band director just sends the music back and this one problem child who cannot play the trumpet for anything always gets it first and takes the first part for himself...but then our director usually has me switch with him so I end up with it hehe. I am astonished that he got into Wind Ensemble because there's an audition to get in.

2004-10-31 [Aurea]: That sucks...

2004-11-05 [Mr. Werewolf]: Ooh! But right now I have really good parts for the Christmas concert and the really bad kid has the same part so I pretty much have some solos hehe! ^_^

2004-11-05 [Aurea]: In band, we're doing some pretty hard music... And the director's being an idiot. More than half the piece is in 16th or 32nd notes, and he's going really fast... Even when we were sight-reading... The first time we've done any sight-reading in months... In the words of my 6th and 7th grade band director, it was "musical suicide."

2004-11-05 [Mr. Werewolf]: Wow, that sounds really hard! I agree on the suicide part lol

2004-11-09 [Mr. Werewolf]: The layout of our band room has been changed around, not much else to talk about hehe. We're selling fruit to raise money for our trip to Six Flags in May too :-)

2004-11-09 [Aurea]: We're selling fruit too! And... Stuff from "Century Pride" Meat and cheese and.. nuts and sweets...

2004-11-09 [Mr. Werewolf]: Oh cool! We sold suckers earlier this year so we're doing a lot of fundraising. I bought some pears last year and now I love them...I can't wait to get some hehe.

2004-11-11 [Aurea]: We don't sell the pears... But ours has really good grapefruit.

2004-11-12 [Aurea]: I found an awesome site... Is where you can get to it... There are 5 page... And it's really cool! And I fit it so well... I think they stalk me...

2004-11-12 [Mr. Werewolf]: The link won't work, are you sure you typed it right?

2004-11-13 [Aurea]: Pretty sure... hmm... will definitely work... But it'll bring you to the third page of the list,

2004-11-13 [Aurea]: MY DAD JUST DOESN"T GET IT! I asked him to buy me some drumsticks and a drumhead today while we were out to buy reeds, and he said we'd talk to the directors first. When I asked him why, he said he wanted to make sure there would be an opening, otherwise there was no point! I even told him that one of my serious career prospects is a middle or high school band director. He doesn't see the point if I won't be playing it in high school! He can be so... ignorant!

2004-11-14 [cheezwhizz]: hey guys!

2004-11-15 [Mr. Werewolf]: Hello Trista! That sucks Kelandry, sorry to hear that :-(

2004-11-16 [Aurea]: yeah... But that's okay. Hey, does everyone wanna wish me luck for jazz band try-outs thiss week and chair placement tryouts for next week? ANd while you're at it... i could use a little luck for the drum major tryouts in December... And in getting my parents to let up on me erasing my name off the sign up for grocery bagging fundraiser at Cub because I'm going to go see Sean Astin at the Mall Of America that afternoon... I could use all the luck you guys can spare... Got any?

2004-11-16 [Mr. Werewolf]: Good luck, good luck, and good luck! hehe ^_^

2004-11-16 [Aurea]: Thanks... they finally told us which scales we'd actually be using for the auditions... As usual, they chose the hardest (well... The others are easier, but two of the ones we're doing aren't so bad) We have to do D Major, b minor, A Major, f# minor, E Major, and c# minor... And, of course, chromatics. But... Grr... I hate E major and c# minor... 4 sharps... Grr...

2004-11-19 [Mr. Werewolf]: Oh wow. I don't really know my scales but those sound hard. I just am memorizing the five we need for the honors band audition, I'll have to figure out what they are one of these days hehe ^_^

2004-11-19 [Aurea]: AHH! I hate Misters Sieve, Olsen, and Theisen (our directors). They've rescheduled things. Yesterday were the Jazz auditions, as scheduled; I didn't make it. BUT tomorrow they're doing the chair placement auditions, instead of next week!!!! ARGH! This sucks. And, of flute and sax, which Mr. Sieve teaches, Saxes are going first... ANd not in alphabetical order, which sucks!!! (I'm a W. And I meant it sucks that they're not using ABC order, not ABC order sucks... Though it USUALLY does.)

2004-11-19 [Aurea]: UGH! This sucks... I'm going to be last chair. I swear... Or second to last and sharing a stand with this huge idiot (Both of those words meant literally). It sucks... I was doing really well as I warmed up in the band room, but then I couldn't play anything when I got into the private room with the director... I hate this! I'm so pissed... I wrote on my arm in sharpie (and elvish, on a completely unrelated note) that he should be shot...

2004-11-20 [Mr. Werewolf]: Ugh! What a bummer. That happens to everyone occasionally. Unless they're really lucky hehe. Today I was like the only first trumpet because two other trumpets who overpower me in volume (although I own them in tone quality) were gone for different reasons and we played my favorite song, even though I made quite a few mistakes I think. I got quite a few compliments...I wonder if they're right because I really want to get the solo part in the concert.

2004-11-21 [Aurea]: I've just started making a marching band MSN group site...

2004-12-02 [tsukasa_11]: hey mr werewolf, would that be sleigh ride or christmas scrapbook? :)

2004-12-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: Holst Suite! :D yeah, that was written quite a while ago...I like sleigh ride a lot too though!

2004-12-02 [Aurea]: You guys! Something horrible has happened. Something totally unetical. One of our drum majors QUIT BAND!

2004-12-04 [Mr. Werewolf]: Why did they do it?

2004-12-04 [Aurea]: I'm not sure... I really wish I knew. Because then I would be able to stop coming to conclusions like: He's had two years as a drum major. Because the only way to be in the marching band is by being in band, he must have planned this and SIGNED up for band when it was time to register. And now he's had two years as DM. Gotta look great on his college application. But... I don't know... Maybe he DID have some other reason...

2004-12-06 [tsukasa_11]: that sux... really it does... but if it might help his college ap, then its worth a try...

2004-12-07 [Aurea]: I found out why. Apparently, all season, he's been fed up with band. He's been faking enthusiasm the whole time... Which is really horrible... grr...

2004-12-07 [elementpro]: hey everyone

2004-12-08 [Flippantly]: sup all u peeps

2004-12-08 [Aurea]: Something horrible has happened. Something totally unetical. One of our drum majors QUIT BAND! Apparently, all season, he's been fed up with band. He's been faking enthusiasm the whole time... Which is really horrible... grr... Other than that... Not much. I'm trying out for drum major! The audition starts next Tuesday. AH!

2004-12-08 [elementpro]: *asks everyone* how's band going

2004-12-08 [Mr. Werewolf]: I'm in our percussion ensemble! We're doing a piece called "Kabe" and I'm on claves.

2004-12-09 [Aurea]: Fine. The music is really easy, but that's because I'm only in 9th grade, and it has to fit ALL levels of ninth graders... it sucks. I feel really bad because the only other sax who was in marching band (And I played in the frontline, so I hardly count anyways) got second to last chair. I know he's better than that and apparently a lot of people did bad on this audition... But... I really hope he challenges up to at least second chair. If he challenges me, may the best musician win... He's one of my two saxophone friends (both in the marching band, but one's in a different concert band) who calls me a traitor for switching to frontline... It's funny 'cause I, the traitor, got 1st chair.

2004-12-09 [elementpro]: i marched with all the seniors in my marching band. from 7th grade till today

2004-12-10 [elementpro]: so i haven't really seen any freshmen music or easy music

2004-12-13 [tsukasa_11]: hey our music right now for our concert 2night is pretty easy... except for sleigh ride, that's just fun.

2004-12-13 [Mr. Werewolf]: I'm so nervous about the concert tonight! I'm afraid of screwing up on my high descanty part in The First Noel. Wish me luck!

2004-12-14 [Aurea]: Sleigh ride!! Fun!! I'm so jealous... All of our music is really easy. AHH! Drum major auditions start tomorrow! I'm so mad at myself, because now I've gotten my hopes up... And I know I'm not going to make it, because I'm only a freshman this year... Tomorrow is the interview and the marching part... GAH! That's why it sucks being in the pit!! I have almost ZERO marching experience... And my cat really stinks... (just thought you'd like to know...)

2004-12-14 [YourAdHere]: lol...i never had the chance to try to be drum major, i moved to a school with no marching. it sucks like a vacuum.

2004-12-14 [Aurea]: That sucks!!! Well... Audition started today... I'm pretty sure I'm... out of the question, being the freshman I am... But... Otherwise, it went pretty well. I totally screwed up ,y marching, but I did great giving commands, I think...

2004-12-15 [Flippantly]: Yay! We got our Spring Concert Music!!! We are playing Sheperd's Hey (pretty hard 100 bpm in CUT TIME!!!, Divertimento (some retarted 8-Pages Music Thing...) and War March Of The Tartars ( Another 90-100 CUT TIME music piece...) Well I am default playing 1st Horn for Sheperd's Hey, And for Divertimento I play 1st Cornet, then 1st Horn, then some Alt. Perc. stuff. For War March, I play 1st Cornet and 1st Horn. For Jazz Band, ummm I have no idea what we are playing!!! The horn part for Sheperd's Hey is kinda on the complicated side. And Divertimento is pure confusion, chaos, and other sutff.... War March of the Tartars is Very straightforward. Anyone Else Get Their Spring Music???

2004-12-16 [Mr. Werewolf]: Sounds like you're going to be busy! We had our last concert on Monday which was a success, even though I was suffering from an acute headache and I was the only first solo trumpet for most of the songs, there was more depending on me than I'd like to admit...we're performing again on Monday at a bank (oh joy).

2004-12-16 [Crucified Soldier]: Hey everyone!! 

2004-12-16 [Aurea]: I think I'll be getting at least one's song's worth of solos! YAY! I'm never chosen for solos. It's always... Not going into this. Don't you hate those snobs who ALWAYS get the solos?  EVERYTIME?! It's kind of annoying. No offense to any of you of course, but... when one person gets the solo in every concert for every band, it's really annoying!!!

2004-12-16 [Mr. Werewolf]: Good for you! I know what you're talking about...our system is messed up because the director just passes the music back and this one kid who cannot even play off the staff gets to it first and takes the best parts. That was the first time I had a solo part in a concert, and I have another one in another song we're doing but it's really short. There are two solos in the piece and I let the other one have the longer solo since I liked the other movement better. When you have a rather uninterested trumpet section you'

2004-12-16 [Mr. Werewolf]: Good for you! I know what you're talking about...our system is messed up because the director just passes the music back and this one kid who cannot even play any notes off the staff gets to the pile first and takes the best parts. The director often has him switch with me though because I'm right next to him. That was the first time I had a solo part in a concert, and I have another one in another song we're doing but it's really short. There are two solos in the piece and I let the other one have the longer solo since I like the other movement better. He had a solo in the one of the Christmas songs too. There are only five trumpets in our band and only two or three of us are any good.

2004-12-16 [Aurea]: All of mine are short... And.. Beautiful... Anyways!!! Um.. Last part of the DM audition was today. Don't know how I did yet...

2004-12-17 [YourAdHere]: yeah we had our music final today and we finished and had like 3 hours of free time. so we started our song we are going to play in march. Pirates of The Carribean ^_^ holy shiza its hard.

2004-12-17 [Aurea]: GAH!!! I'm not one of the new drum majors, we got our report cards today and my parents will be pissed (Because I have one B+ and two A-'s), and I have a headache!!! Sorry to complain... I just... Couldn't think of anyone else to complain to...

2004-12-17 [PyroBuggy]: lol... a group of bandgeeks would probably be a good choice :p

2004-12-17 [Crucified Soldier]: Lmao, Jimmy, I know, I hate it when Max gets all the good parts. HE SUCKS!! Maybe he would get better parts if he put forth the effort to get better!! 

2004-12-17 [Mr. Werewolf]: Max is terrible! The only song he can play is Armed Forces Salute and even then his sound is horrible. How on earth did he get into Wind Ensemble?

2004-12-17 [Crucified Soldier]: I was wondering the same thing actually. I'm not sure why Mr. Plank let him in...*bubbles in fury*

2004-12-17 [PyroBuggy]: only mone answer... you must kill him ^_^

2004-12-18 [Crucified Soldier]: Lol, *evil grin*

2004-12-18 [PyroBuggy]: stuff him down a contra :p

2004-12-18 [Mr. Werewolf]: LOL!

2004-12-18 [PyroBuggy]: yea... we have alot of those people...

2004-12-18 [Mr. Werewolf]: I nominated this wiki for the Elfpack Awards!

2004-12-18 [Human Casualties]: kewl

2004-12-18 [Human Casualties]: concert January 12

2004-12-18 [YourAdHere]: cool!

2004-12-18 [Crucified Soldier]: YAY!!!! We had out winter concert on December 13. yessum it went pretty well

2004-12-19 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: Hooray! ^_^ (And I'm sorry I disappeared for so long... holy business!) I'm glad to hear your concert went well! Ours was okay... The audience really liked the jazz band. We finally got to play at a concert this year!! (Usually, we only do the art show, and some summer events)

2004-12-19 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: Hey! And I'm learning how to play a french horn! It's cheerful! Challenging... but still very nice.... And shiny. ^_^

2004-12-19 [YourAdHere]: cool.

2004-12-19 [Mr. Werewolf]: Ooh! I love the sound of the french horn. I've tried it out, it's difficult but it's got a decent range.

2004-12-20 [lame palindrom e mordnilap emal]: Indeed. ^_^ I enjoy it quite a bit.

2004-12-20 [PyroBuggy]: too bad not alot of people can acctually het a good sound out of it >.<

2004-12-20 [Crucified Soldier]: Yeah, I know how that goes. I wish our french hornist wouls put in a little more practice time. >.<

2004-12-20 [Mr. Werewolf]: She sounds a lot better than she used to though.

2004-12-21 [Human Casualties]: some ppl get better in time, but not all

2004-12-28 [YourAdHere]: yeah. i should practice.......................................

2004-12-28 [Aurea]: I got a soprano saxophone for Christmas!!! Oh Frabjous day! Calooh, callay!!!

2004-12-28 [Human Casualties]: kewl

2004-12-28 [Aurea]: It is. And it's a nice one, too. It's an Antigua, 590BC, I think... Black finish with the shiny golden keys... It's awesome! But because I've been playing it SO MUCH and the reeds are new and hardly broken in, I have a really chapped lower lip!! Oh, the joy of woodwinds.

2004-12-28 [Human Casualties]: lol, thats nice, im going to order a black bari sax, my friend has a black alto, and my other friend has a black tenor

2004-12-29 [Aurea]: Fun... I'm going to try to start up a sax ensemble for the contest in February. You and your friends would be perfect because then the whole group would match!!! :D jk...

2004-12-29 [Human Casualties]: it would wouldnt it, lol

2004-12-31 [Crucified Soldier]: I'm currently learning soprano sax and alto. I'm starting jazz band on Jan 20!!

2004-12-31 [Human Casualties]: kewl

2004-12-31 [Crucified Soldier]: Yes, busy busy busy...

2005-01-03 [elementpro]: how was everyones christmas

2005-01-03 [Crucified Soldier]: Mine was good, a lot of traveling, but good. How was yours?

2005-01-04 [elementpro]: mine was good, alot of parties, snowboard, skiing, and playing music

2005-01-04 [Crucified Soldier]: Nice, that sounds like fun! ^_^

2005-01-05 [elementpro]: it's was

2005-01-05 [Human Casualties]: good

2005-01-06 [elementpro]: yep

2005-01-10 [elementpro]: u guys don't talk all that much

2005-01-10 [PyroBuggy]: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

2005-01-10 [elementpro]: thanx

2005-01-11 [elementpro]: vote for me as cutest bot award, please. thanx

2005-01-11 [Mr. Werewolf]: This wiki was also nominated for best wiki, if you want to spend your vote on it ^_^

2005-01-12 [Aurea]: I DID! I voted for this wiki...

2005-01-12 [elementpro]: i voted for it

2005-01-12 [Mr. Werewolf]: Yay, we're in the three-way tie for fourth place! :D

2005-01-12 [PyroBuggy]: i have 0 votes for the artist awards XD

2005-01-12 [Aurea]: Today a kid at my school died in a car crash... I didn't know him, but he was in the marching band... Anyone, if you could, please send a prayer out to his family and his brother, who's currently in the hospital.

2005-01-12 [Crucified Soldier]: Wow, I'm really sorry to hear about that. :( I'll send a prayer out to him and his family no problem

2005-01-13 [Mr. Werewolf]: That news is just terrible to hear! I will certainly keep them in my prayers.

2005-01-13 [Aurea]: Thanks...

2005-01-13 [Human Casualties]: we played great last night

2005-01-13 [Aurea]: Good job. They're setting up for some of the upper classman to play at Chris's funeral. (that's the one who died)...

2005-01-14 [Human Casualties]: what happened? :(

2005-01-14 [Aurea]: Car crash. Yesterday morning... His car... well, you can read it online... There's a link to the channel five news article about it at Rest in Peace.

2005-01-15 [Human Casualties]: im sorry

2005-01-15 [Mr. Werewolf]: Ok, I'm kind of angry here. First, we didn't have school today and just my luck I didn't bring my instrument home last night. Second, it's Friday so I won't be able to practice this weekend. Third, I have a state honors band audition four weeks from tomorrow and I'm horribly unprepared. GRR!!! *head explodes*

2005-01-15 [Aurea]: Oh. That sucks... We were probably about the only district in the state that had a full day of school (most had a two hour delay). But nobody... well, nobody who takes their instruments home for the weekend, had their instruments there because today was the kickoff for the cookie dough fundraiser.

2005-01-15 [Crucified Soldier]: Yeah, I didn't bring my A.P. home yesterday, so I don't have my takehome test, OR any of my instruments. I've never been so bored in my life!

2005-01-17 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: hey it's not terrific news but my little town was on the news.i live in a small town in Fl and my town was on the front page of the Gainsville Sun.3 of our middle schoolers died.they all died in a span of 3 months.they either hung themselves or played a game that's been going around our's called the black-out game.anyone heard of it?

2005-01-18 [Mr. Werewolf]: That's horrible! What is it?

2005-01-18 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: the kids can play the game alone or in a big group.the object is to pass out.what happens is the kids play it alone and end up hanging's getting pretty bad

2005-01-18 [Aurea]: That is a really stupid game! And, middle schoolers are too young to be suicidal! That's terrible!

2005-01-18 [Mr. Werewolf]: I can't believe kids would continue doing that even after people have died! That's scary! What a bad game :(

2005-01-20 [Crucified Soldier]: That's horrible. I'm very sorry to hear about that. :( 

2005-01-21 [Aurea]: GUESS WHAT! My band might be going to China in two years. And I've probably already mentioned it, but next year, we're going to BOA in St. Louis!

2005-01-21 [Mr. Werewolf]: WHOA!!! That's awesome!

2005-01-21 [PyroBuggy]: dude thats awssome... my band was in the rose parade a couple years ago and will be my sinior year... i think we are going to austrailia too ^_^ we were in the video "here comes the marching band" XD

2005-01-21 [PyroBuggy]: anyone here from southern california? (scsboa)

2005-01-21 [Mr. Werewolf]: Our band sucks too much to be in anything big like that (we're probably too small too!). You should hear our trumpet section! Ugh, there may be two of us that are good at all *resists outburst* but anyway that's great that your band was in the rose parade! I watch that every year (well at least when I get up early enough, I'm always so tired out from the night before!).

2005-01-21 [PyroBuggy]: lol... it plays all bloody day.... i dont know how you can miss it... our band is 6a... its got sum odd 250 people in it... unlike arcadia. thats one big crazy asian band... but yea... ours is rancho beuena vista... (not to be confused with rancho bernardo, rancho kucamunga or any of the other ranchos out there)

2005-01-21 [Mr. Werewolf]: Wow! 250? Ours has like, 40-50 people! Not too bad considering we live in a rural town of some 1,400 residents way out in the boonies. Your band must sound awesome though!

2005-01-21 [Aurea]: I think we were at 158 this year...

2005-01-21 [PyroBuggy]: we dont sound that good... just loud... were ok, but our requirements arnt like arcadias or r.b.s were everyones REALLY into it... (our trumpets and clerinets need to die)

2005-01-21 [Human Casualties]: our school has like 3 bands with a total like 175

2005-01-21 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: our band has yet to get to 40 students.we've got a small school.all our band are alright.our jazz band made it to state competition the first year we had it.but yeahwe would be bigger but we have a bad past and we have to convince the comunity that we're alright before we get any's really hard to get a small band to be good but it can be done 3 years ago we got strait goods at all competitions but now we are doing much better.for the last 2 years we've gotten anly like 2 or 3 goods.and it's all thanks to our slave driver(oops i meant band director) Mr.Manna.

2005-01-22 [Human Casualties]:, find your band there

2005-01-22 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: never thought my band was that small.we're not on there at all.the bands around us are though.

2005-01-22 [Human Casualties]: my band is there , Bangor Slater senoir High school Marching Bando

2005-01-22 [Aurea]: Weird... I've competed against I think all but 1 of the Marching bands in Minnesota...

2005-01-24 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: did you win?

2005-01-25 [Aurea]: This year, yes.

2005-01-25 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: good job

2005-01-29 [elementpro]: 4 months and 4 days till tour

2005-01-30 [Aurea]: We might go to China in two years! DUDE! I can't wait 'til next year's season. This year's season? The 2005 season! I'm really impatient, because I have nothing better to do a lot of time than band...

2005-01-31 [elementpro]: thats 2 years and they might be going. this is this summer and i am going

2005-01-31 [Aurea]: Where all are you going? And, to be honest, it's a pretty good chance. Everyone is doubtful that the directors would've even told us about it if there wasn't a good chance. Hey, you now what sucks? THere are too many blinkin' saxophones out there. In my school anyways... There probably won't be any open sax spots for Wind Ensmble for next year. IT SUCKS!!! (lol. I like complaining.)

2005-02-01 [Mr. Werewolf]: I have state honors band auditions this Saturday and I find myself more unprepared than I thought. Why did I agree to do it? I've been practicing twice as much as usual lately and I'm just sounding worse it seems. Maybe I'm just noticing things better? I'm going to bomb this I know...

2005-02-01 [elementpro]: i dunno where we r going

2005-02-01 [elementpro]: i haven't gotten the dci schedule yet

2005-02-01 [Aurea]: I'm sure you'll do fine, Mr. Werewolf... and:Elementpro: that still sounds cool... Full tour... Dude... DCI. I could never say I'm not totally jealous of that... Maybe one day! Maybe one day I'll be in DCI and I won't have to be jealous... (MUST... RESIST... URGE... TO... QUOTE... LES... MIS...!)

2005-02-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: Ah, I found out it's next Saturday! A full extra week :D Thanks Keladry!

2005-02-02 [Crucified Soldier]: Jimmy, you're starting to sound worse because you're practicing too much. I've been there so many times. OR it could mean you're about to breach a new level of playing. That's what I find usually happens to me. I'm not going to do my Honors Band audition. I changed my mind. I'm too unprepared.

2005-02-02 [amazonelfpyrate]: honors band auditions.... aaah, *flashes back to nightmare*

2005-02-02 [Crucified Soldier]: Lol, uh ohhhh, what happened?

2005-02-13 [Mr. Werewolf]: Yay! I had my audition today. It went better than I expected. I won't care if I didn't get it because I'm so happy that it wasn't a complete disaster! The only things that were bad were my sightreading and two scales :D Thanks for all the support ^_^

2005-02-13 [PyroBuggy]: I went to disneyland yesterday and marched in the parade!!! i got to backstage and see a mutilated animatronic pirate!

2005-02-14 [Human Casualties]: kewlio. . . last year our band went there, we might be going to wales in 2 years.

2005-02-14 [PyroBuggy]: nice... mines going bak to scottland in the summer.. im not going though :/

2005-02-20 [Human Casualties]: last January the band went to the Gator Bowl . . . unfortuantly i wasn't in high school yet

2005-02-21 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: grrr my band can't do that stuff yet.notice i said yet.but i'll probably be graduated before the band actually gets anywhere.

2005-02-21 [Human Casualties]: that sucks

2005-02-21 [Crucified Soldier]: No fair! We dont' go ANYWHERE! My school is sad :(

2005-02-21 [Mr. Werewolf]: That's because our band isn't big enough, and we don't have the money to go on a tour. Our school is so small anyone who wants to can join band so it's not too selective either. But hey, we were invited to play at a resort not too long ago, but then they cancelled remember? lol

2005-02-21 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: our band is small like that.i don't think it really matters how big your band is.see my school's band is good sometimes but we let 7th graders in band.not that 7th graders are bad for bands it's just that most of them aren't ready for hard my band we have 3 groups.the ones who think the music is too hard,the ones who really couldn't care less,and those who want to play harder music.i'm sort of in that i don't really care only thing is that i don't want to play music that's too easy i just want to play at our level and be good.everyone in the band wants to be good though.

2005-02-21 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: along w/ all this crap we have a lot of seniors this year.some people think that all our good players are leaving so they've decided that they're gonna leave.oh well it'll end up alright.well i'm not one to say that b/c i'm the 1st trumpet next year and i personaly don't think i'm ready but my band director obviously believes in me.

2005-02-21 [Aurea]: Well, in our regular bands, we have the groups of: Music is too hard, I'm only in band because my parents made me, and the music's too easy. I'm in the group that thinks it's too easy.

2005-02-21 [Mr. Werewolf]: Ah, we have two concert bands, one is supposed to be harder than the other but since the way scheduling is done some people have to take a different one than they're fit for. And the problem is, there isn't a chair system so sometimes the better players are stuck with easier parts because the bad players are either too cocky or stupid to see the difference. *gets angry*

2005-02-21 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: well my band director picks out grade 3's,4's,and 5's for our marching show.the 7th graders are rarely ready for the music and they don't play it perfect but they do make it desent.

2005-02-21 [Mr. Werewolf]: Ach, we have high schoolers who aren't ready for hard music. Most of them are though, but they don't apply themselves enough. I think that's the problem.

2005-02-22 [jesusfreak /bandgeek]: i could be better.that is if i would stop procrastinating and go practice.*starts slapping 4-head and mummbling to self*go practice right now!get off the computer and go practice!*looks up realizing that people are watching*oh,hi.i'm ok now.hehehehe

2005-03-02 [Crucified Soldier]: lol. SOLO AND ENSEMBLE is next WEEK!!! AHHHHH!!!

2005-03-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: Crap, I still have some parts to fine tune. Plus I have been sick for a while and I'm coughing a lot.

2005-03-02 [Aurea]: Ah. Solo/ensemble contest was this Monday for me! I got an excellent! Happiness! 34, though! One point off from a superior! Kinda sucks, kinda cool, though.

2005-03-03 [sazzygirl]: Music festival on thursday!argh! oh well there's only two of us in my class so at least i'm sure i'll come 2nd!

2005-03-05 [Crucified Soldier]: lol, sounds like everyone is busy. I've got like five events straight in a row...what a pain in the ass! My chops are going to be killing

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